Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co.
National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
Intelligent Ductile Iron Pipe-Corrosion Resistant Steels Data Center
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2019-07-25 09:55:47 作者:本网整理 来源:科袖网



1. h指数:出版物发表发表的 h 篇文章每篇至少都被引用过 h 次的最大值;
2. h核心:出版物最高被引的h篇文章;
3. h5 指数是指在2007年到2011年整整 5 年中所发表文章的 h 指数
4. h5中位数:指出版物的 h5 指数所涵盖的所有文章获得的引用次数的中位值。

Google Scholar Top Publications 榜单主要以“h5指数”为指标,该指标难以被人为操控,不会因为多了一篇超高被引论文而明显增长,而刻意减少发文量也不会对提升h5指数有作用。因此,h5指数可以体现期刊和会议的整体综合实力,逐渐成为学术出版物和会议影响力评价的一个重要参考。


  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Nature 368 546
2 The New England Journal of Medicine 352 603
3 Science 338 511
4 The Lancet 282 464
5 Chemical Reviews 266 443
6 Nature Communications 260 345
7 Advanced Materials 252 342
8 Chemical Society reviews 251 378
9 Cell 250 383
10 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern  Recognition 240 383
11 Journal of the American Chemical Society 236 329
12 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 227 303
13 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 221 309
14 Nucleic Acids Research 217 413
15 JAMA 211 330
16 Physical Review Letters 211 276
17 Energy & Environmental Science 207 323
18 ACS Nano 203 280
19 Journal of Clinical Oncology 191 271
20 Nano Letters 188 270
21 The Lancet Oncology 181 295
22 Nature Materials 179 323
23 PLoS ONE 176 225
24 Nature Genetics 174 257
25 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 174 238
26 Nature Medicine 170 259
27 Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 169 334
28 Journal of the American College of Cardiology 167 252
29 Circulation 165 276
30 Journal of High Energy Physics 163 222
31 Journal of Materials Chemistry. A 163 214
32 Accounts of Chemical Research 162 233
33 Nature Nanotechnology 160 278
34 The Astrophysical Journal 158 219
35 Scientific Reports 158 202
36 European Heart Journal 154 240
37 Advanced Functional Materials 154 203
38 Nature Methods 152 273
39 Advanced Energy Materials 152 211
40 Blood 152 202
41 Nature Biotechnology 151 290
42 International Conference on Learning  Representations 150 276
43 Nature Photonics 150 261
44 Gastroenterology 148 215
45 Neuron 148 213
46 American Economic Review 147 229
47 Nature Neuroscience 147 214
48 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 147 188
49 BMJ 146 207
50 Physical Review D 146 193
51 Chemistry of Materials 141 191
52 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 140 177
53 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 139 198
54 Nanoscale 139 188
55 Science Translational Medicine 138 197
56 European Conference on Computer Vision 137 263
57 Immunity 136 213
58 Nature Physics 136 205
59 International Conference on Machine Learning  (ICML) 135 254
60 ACS Catalysis 133 186
61 Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 132 231
62 Nature Reviews Immunology 132 229
63 Nature Climate Change 132 197
64 Molecular Cell 132 196
65 Environmental Science & Technology 132 175
66 Journal of Cleaner Production 132 166
67 Applied Energy 131 166
68 Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 131 166
69 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 130 167
70 Nature Reviews Cancer 129 241
71 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer  Vision 129 220
72 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 129 206
73 The Journal of Clinical Investigation 129 177
74 European Urology 128 193
75 IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 127 240
76 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine  Intelligence 127 219
77 Cell Metabolism 127 196
78 IEEE Communications Magazine 126 224
79 'Nature Reviews Neuroscience" 126 205
80 Hepatology 126 181
81 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 126 167
82 Nano Energy 126 155
83 Diabetes Care 125 193
84 Computers in Human Behavior 125 171
85 Cancer Research 125 167
86 Physical Review B 125 164
87 Clinical Cancer Research 125 161
88 Cancer Cell 124 184
89 Gut 124 183
90 Nature Immunology 124 173
91 Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 122 222
92 Circulation Research 122 205
93 Annals of Oncology 122 196
94 The Lancet Neurology 122 194
95 Journal of Power Sources 122 157
96 Biomaterials 122 149
97 Nature Reviews Genetics 121 237
98 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 121 183
99 Nature Chemistry 121 179
100 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 121 174



  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Chemical  Reviews 266 443
2 Advanced  Materials 252 342
3 Chemical  Society reviews 251 378
4 Journal  of the American Chemical Society 236 329
5 Angewandte  Chemie International Edition 221 309
6 Energy  & Environmental Science 207 323
7 ACS  Nano 203 280
8 Nano  Letters 188 270
9 Nature  Materials 179 323
10 Journal  of Materials Chemistry. A 163 214
11 Accounts  of Chemical Research 162 233
12 Nature  Nanotechnology 160 278
13 Advanced  Functional Materials 154 203
14 Advanced  Energy Materials 152 211
15 ACS  Applied Materials & Interfaces 147 188
16 Chemistry  of Materials 141 191
17 Nanoscale 139 188
18 ACS  Catalysis 133 186
19 Chemical  communications (Cambridge, England) 131 166
20 Applied  Catalysis B: Environmental 130 167




  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Advanced Materials 252 342
2 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern  Recognition 240 383
3 Energy & Environmental Science 207 323
4 ACS Nano 203 280
5 Nano Letters 188 270
6 Nature Materials 179 323
7 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 174 238
8 Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 169 334
9 Journal of Materials Chemistry. A 163 214
10 Nature Nanotechnology 160 278
11 Advanced Functional Materials 154 203
12 Advanced Energy Materials 152 211
13 International Conference on Learning  Representations 150 276
14 Nature Photonics 150 261
15 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 147 188
16 Chemistry of Materials 141 191
17 Nanoscale 139 188
18 European Conference on Computer Vision 137 263
19 International Conference on Machine Learning  (ICML) 135 254
20 Journal of Cleaner Production 132 166



  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Physical Review Letters 211 276
2 Journal of High Energy Physics 163 222
3 The Astrophysical Journal 158 219
4 Nature Photonics 150 261
5 Physical Review D 146 193
6 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 140 177
7 Nature Physics 136 205
8 Physical Review B 125 164
9 The European Physical Journal C 111 202
10 Physics Letters B 109 158
11 Physical Review X 107 144
12 Applied Physics Letters 101 135
13 Optics Express 99 125
14 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 98 137
15 Reviews of Modern Physics 95 211
16 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 95 118
17 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 91 148
18 Geophysical Research Letters 89 115
19 Journal of Molecular Liquids 85 117
20 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85 111



  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 The  New England Journal of Medicine 352 603
2 The  Lancet 282 464
3 Cell 250 383
4 Proceedings  of the National Academy of Sciences 227 303
5 JAMA 211 330
6 Journal  of Clinical Oncology 191 271
7 The  Lancet Oncology 181 295
8 PLoS  ONE 176 225
9 Nature  Genetics 174 257
10 Nature  Medicine 170 259
11 Journal  of the American College of Cardiology 167 252
12 Circulation 165 276
13 European  Heart Journal 154 240
14 Blood 152 202
15 Gastroenterology 148 215
16 Neuron 148 213
17 Nature  Neuroscience 147 214
18 BMJ 146 207
19 Cochrane  Database of Systematic Reviews 139 198
20 Science  Translational Medicine 138 197



  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Nature 368 546
2 Science 338 511
3 Nature Communications 260 345
4 Cell 250 383
5 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 227 303
6 Nucleic Acids Research 217 413
7 PLoS ONE 176 225
8 Nature Genetics 174 257
9 Scientific Reports 158 202
10 Nature Methods 152 273
11 Nature Biotechnology 151 290
12 Neuron 148 213
13 Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 132 231
14 Nature Climate Change 132 197
15 Molecular Cell 132 196
16 Environmental Science & Technology 132 175
17 Cell Metabolism 127 196
18 Nature Reviews Genetics 121 237
19 Bioinformatics 120 233
20 Cell Stem Cell 119 197


  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Journal  of Communication 53 89
2 International  Journal of Communication 45 69
3 Digital  Journalism 44 79
4 Applied  Linguistics 43 65
5 Philosophical  Studies 39 54
6 Journalism 39 51
7 Journalism  Studies 38 60
8 TESOL  Quarterly 38 57
9 The  Modern Language Journal 38 53
10 System 37 49
11 Journalism  Practice 36 65
12 Journal  of Pragmatics 35 53
13 Noûs 34 56
14 Gender  & Society 34 47
15 Media,  Culture & Society 34 43
16 Language  Learning 33 52
17 Synthese 33 49
18 Public  Opinion Quarterly 33 46
19 Political  Communication 33 41
20 The  China Quarterly 32 51


  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 American  Economic Review 147 229
2 Journal  of Financial Economics 112 164
3 The  Journal of Finance 108 181
4 The  Quarterly Journal of Economics 104 189
5 Journal  of Business Ethics 98 131
6 Journal  of Business Research 96 131
7 The  Review of Financial Studies 94 140
8 Tourism  Management 94 139
9 Management  Science 91 124
10 Strategic  Management Journal 90 123
11 International  Journal of Production Economics 89 126
12 Journal  of Management 88 146
13 Academy  of Management Journal 86 129
14 World  Development 84 116
15 International  Journal of Project Management 79 105
16 Journal  of Economic Perspectives 77 140
17 Econometrica 75 125
18 Energy  Economics 75 90
19 Technological  Forecasting and Social Change 74 96
20 Journal  of Political Economy 73 131




  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Journal  of Business Ethics 98 131
2 Computers  & Education 94 135
3 American  Journal of Public Health 90 124
4 Research  Policy 87 128
5 Global  Environmental Change 85 129
6 Health  Affairs 76 107
7 Social  Science & Medicine 76 102
8 New  Media & Society 70 102
9 American  Journal of Political Science 69 101
10 Procedia-Social  and Behavioral Sciences 68 95
11 Progress  in Human Geography 66 101
12 Academic  Medicine 65 100
13 Food  Policy 64 86
14 Journal  of Educational Psychology 60 88
15 Energy  Research & Social Science 60 80
16 Land  Use Policy 60 77
17 Information,  Communication & Society 59 97
18 American  Sociological Review 59 89
19 Journal  of Vocational Behavior 59 77
20 Government  Information Quarterly 58 107



  Publication h5-index h5-median
1 中国电化教育 37 58
2 中国电机工程学报 32 40
3 经济研究 30 42
4 农业工程学报 30 37
5 地理学报 29 37
6 现代教育技术 28 41
7 电力系统自动化 28 37
8 煤炭学报 28 33
9 中国社会科学 27 42
10 中国石油勘探 26 44
11 中国校外教育 26 32
12 中国法学 25 46
13 课程.  教材. 教法 25 39
14 高电压技术 25 36
15 江西建材 25 30
16 教育研究  (中国教育科学研究院) 24 48
17 中国工业经济 24 36
18 教育教学论坛 24 34
19 环境科学 24 33
20 生态学报 24 32
21 学周刊 24 30
22 中华护理杂志 24 29
23 求是 23 40
24 法学研究 23 37
25 石油勘探与开发 23 33
26 计算机学报 23 32
27 第四纪研究 23 27
28 中国高教研究 22 35
29 会计研究 22 34
30 护士进修杂志 22 29
31 电网技术 22 28
32 中国环境科学 22 25
33 经济地理 22 25
34 高等工程教育研究 21 40
35 中国高等教育 21 38
36 国内高等教育教学研究动态 21 36
37 中国流通经济 21 34
38 中国图书馆学报 21 31
39 中国行政管理 21 30
40 电化教育研究 21 29
41 科技创新与应用 21 29
42 农业经济问题 21 28
43 才智 21 28
44 地理科学 21 27
45 天然气工业 21 27
46 中国人口资源与环境 21 26
47 管理世界 21 26
48 图书情报工作 21 25
49 地理研究 21 25
50 重庆医学 21 25
51 地理科学进展 20 37
52 开放教育研究 20 34
53 软件学报 20 34
54 农业机械学报 20 30
55 资源科学 20 28
56 中国大学教学 20 27
57 岩石力学与工程学报 20 27
58 中国科技期刊研究 20 26
59 现代中西医结合杂志 20 26
60 环境科学学报 20 25
61 石油学报 20 24
62 理论参考 19 42
63 中国动物检疫 19 34
64 外语电化教学 19 33
65 教育科学文摘 19 33
66 远程教育杂志 19 31
67 中国检察官 19 30
68 改革 19 28
69 中国商论 19 27
70 图书馆学研究 19 27
71 实验室研究与探索 19 27
72 地球科学进展 19 26
73 自动化学报 19 26
74 教育与职业 19 25
75 地球物理学报 19 24
76 法学 19 24
77 煤炭科学技术 19 24
78 门窗 19 23
79 中国农业科学 19 22
80 现代远程教育研究 18 46
81 会计之友 18 28
82 图书与情报 18 26
83 图书馆杂志 18 26
84 中国职业技术教育 18 25
85 国家行政学院学报 18 25
86 中华民居  (下旬刊) 18 24
87 中国全科医学 18 24
88 应用生态学报 18 24
89 自然资源学报 18 24
90 中国惯性技术学报 18 23
91 南开管理评论 18 23
92 地学前缘 18 23
93 中国当代医药 18 22
94 中国老年学杂志 18 22
95 中国高新技术企业 18 22
96 国际金融研究 18 22
97 图书馆论坛 18 21
98 电力系统保护与控制 18 21
99 中外法学 17 30
100 计算机研究与发展 17 29























